Scoped storageAndroid limits broad access to shared storage for all apps running Android 11, so your info stays better protected. So your device stays armed with the most recent defense. Google Play system updatesWith Android 11, you get even more security and privacy fixes sent to your phone, right from Google Play. So Android will reset permissions for your unused apps.

Permissions auto-resetIf you haven't used an app in a while, you may not want it to keep accessing your data. The next time the app needs access, it must ask for permission again. This WebCodecs is meant to make it easier to get incoming video streams onto the screen, with the use of hardware decoding, as safely as possible.One-time permissionsGive one-time permissions to apps that need your mic, camera or location. WebCodecs is an API that will allow developers to access video encoding/decoding codecs that are coupled with the browser. The WebCodecs are expected to make the cloud gaming easier and faster, while the experimental WebGPU is said to make it easier for games than run in the browser to use the computer’s power. Chrome 94 also comes with new web standards which are aimed at enhancing the browser-based gaming experience for users. On iPhones, the Chrome 94 browser now supports. You will need to sign in with your Google account on Chrome to access this feature. There’s a new sharing hub with which you can copy links or receive QR code to share with other websites. There’s support to host desktop websites on Android tablets while on desktop, Google claims to have fixed 32 bugs. With this, Google will warn users by showing a full-page alert when they open a website that is based on HTTP and not the more secure HTTPS.

One of the major upgrades that is available in Chrome 94 is HTTPS-First mode. As the stable release of Chrome 94 is now available, it is highly recommended that users upgrade their Chrome browser to stay safe. Google has also fixed bugs and claims to have better secured Google Chrome browser by taking care of 19 security issues.

Along with new features, the Chrome 94 focuses a lot on boosting privacy and introduces several new security features. Google has announced that the Chrome 94 stable update is finally available for all popular platforms like Android, iOS, Windows and macOS.