Moon Purple, Purple Moon, close-up of planet transparent background PNG clipart size: 1024x1024px filesize: 1.38MB. World of Warcraft Heroes of the Storm Art Sylvanas Windrunner Chibi, world of warcraft transparent background PNG clipart size: 894x894px filesize: 381.14KB. Dota 2 Drow Ranger, Heroes of the Storm World of Warcraft Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Overwatch Concept art, sylvanas transparent background PNG clipart size: 714x1024px filesize: 144.63KB. “Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken - always and forever.Your may also love these PNG clip art images "What joy is there in this curse? What are we if not slaves to this torment?" –Sylvanas She considers her existence and her people to be entwined-she and the Forsaken will survive at any cost. The pact has kept Sylvanas in the realm of the living, but she is terrified of what awaits her in eternity. This bonded their souls to hers, bolstering Forsaken ranks through the val’kyrs’ powers of undeath. Thus, she accepted a pact with the val’kyr, the Lich King’s former undead agents. However, she learned that her afterlife would be a ceaseless torment and, without her leadership, the Forsaken would be obliterated. She sought to end her undead state by destroying herself. When Tirion Fordring and heroes of Azeroth killed Arthas, Sylvanas struggled with a lack of purpose now that her revenge was complete. Though she joined the Horde to help secure her kingdom, she wanted her vengeance: the death of Arthas, now the Lich King, for what he did to her and her people. She reclaimed her body, gathered those similarly free of the Lich King’s sway into her personal army, renaming them “Forsaken”, and established her base in the Undercity, beneath the Lordaeron ruins. When the Lich King’s grasp wavered, Sylvanas regained her free will.
He denied her a clean death and instead transformed her soul into a banshee, forced to serve the Scourge.
Despite her strong resistance, the Scourge ripped through Quel’Thalas and she met defeat at the hands of Arthas.As Ranger-General of Silvermoon, the high elf capital, Sylvanas Windrunner led her forces against the death knight Arthas Menethil, champion of the Lich King, during the Third War.With Arthas finally destroyed, Sylvanas will do whatever is necessary to maintain her position, extend her existence, and perpetuate the Forsaken. In time Sylvanas reclaimed her free will, gathering rogue undead into her Forsaken army. During the Third War, she was slain by the death knight Arthas Menethil, who tore her soul from her body and converted it into a banshee. In life, the high elf Sylvanas Windrunner was the renowned Ranger-General of Silvermoon, leader of the Farstrider rangers."You have no idea how awkward my family reunions are." - Sylvanas, The Banshee Queen